Reasons to join Notary Association
Did you know that more than 80% of notaries are not associated with any notary public association?

Whether you are interested in strengthening your network, furthering your career, or maybe just in need of a few more friends, the United States Notary Association can be a great option for you. In addition to providing information about the notary public profession, the United States Notary Association can enhance your personal and professional development and provide endless networking opportunities.

Here are a few reasons for joining the United States Notary Association:

Demonstrate your professionalism:

Membership support demonstrates a commitment and dedication to your notary public profession. It also shows a “giving back” typically associated with expertise maturation. By being part of the United States Notary Association, you serve as a model for those entering the notary public field as well as have the opportunity to share your own insights and expertise with peers and colleagues.

Broaden your knowledge:

The United States Notary Association provides you with information about courses, seminars, and lectures to keep us and our members up to date on the latest notary public industry innovations, research, and trends. Staying informed on notary public trends will only help you in the long run and will put you one step ahead of the competition. By being part of an association, you stay on the leading edge of the notary public field.

Build a better resume:

The United States Notary Association has career resources available, such as tips on effective resumes or cover letter writing. Listing United States Notary Association membership on your resume is impressive to current or future clients and employers, as it shows that you are dedicated to staying connected in your profession.

Enhance your network:

We all know that networking is key for any member of the community. Making connections is critical, and joining the United States Notary Association gives you countless opportunities to connect on a local and national level. For most notaries, creating professional relationships is important, and joining the United States Notary Association allows you to have a sense of security and trust. From this, you are able to support and help one another reach your professional goals. The more notaries participating with you in the United States Notary Association, the more contacts, resources, and access to information you will have. It is through shared learning that you will find the answers to the questions facing you. Odds are, someone in the association has “been there/done that.”

Strength in Numbers:

We live in a day and age when establishing a presence in any given career field often demands working long hours in the office and bringing work home when the doors close. At the end of the day, you may have ideas for cultivating partnerships but not feel up to shouldering all the responsibility to organize them. In the United States Notary Association, you have access to an established support system of experienced people who are motivated to get things done. The battle is half-won!

Become a mentor:

Giving back can be the greatest reward and benefit. Participating in forums, chat groups, or discussion boards and showing your United States Notary Association membership is also a great way to grow your network. This allows you to use your peers as sounding boards and often make some great friends with the same interests as you.

Take charge of your notary public career:

Take advantage of career resources. The United States Notary Association often has job listings online available only to our members. This is a great way to find targeted job postings for your area of interest.

Be a Leader:

The United States Notary Association gives you an opportunity to develop your skills as a leader, and this is important not only for your personal growth but also for your growth in your company.

Make a new friend:

Once we graduate from school, we all know how hard it is to get out and meet new people and make new friends. Use the United States Notary Association as an opportunity to escape the norm and meet new people that may give you a reason to come out of your shell a bit more and have fun.

Stay Inspired and Stay Motivated

Learn to love what you do. You may not even know that you love something, but it’s important to be proactive about things you discover on the journey. Join the United States Notary Association and discover something new.